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5/7/24 @ 3pm ET How to Build a Resilient Microbiome with Alicia Galvin

Join us on May 7, 2024 at 3pm ET for {{global.jv_alicia_galvin_webinar_title}} with Kara Siedman

Zoom details below

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Passcode: 369970
Webinar ID: 822 2261 4436
Passcode: 369970
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What you will learn:

  • Spore-based probiotics 101: How they work and what makes them different
  • LPS and chronic inflammation and conditions 
  • Short-chain fatty acids, butyrate, and gut barrier support

TO ORDER: Register as a patient here.


// About: Alicia Galvin MEd, RD, LD, IFNCP

Alicia Galvin MEd, RD, LD, IFNCP is a registered dietitian and Clinical Science Liaison with Microbiome Labs. She is also owner of her private practice since 2014 with a keen interest in gastrointestinal disease, such as IBS, IBD, and SIBO, as well as has a focus in fertility, autoimmunity, and chronic inflammatory conditions. In addition to owning her own business, she spent years practicing as an integrative and functional dietitian at a functional medicine clinic, helping patients develop customized solutions that empower them to take control of their health challenges. She is Co-Founder of SIBO Academy, an online educational training platform that delivers evidence based courses for nutrition professionals in the realm of SIBO and functional GI disorders. Alicia earned a Masters of Education in Counseling degree from the University of North Texas and completed her Integrative and Functional Nutrition Certified Practitioner (IFNCP) certification with the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy (IFNA).

Shivan Sarna is the author of Healing SIBO, TV host, and the creator of the SIBO SOS® Summits and Community, the Digestion SOS® documentary series, the Gut & Microbiome Rescue Summit, the Lymphatic Rescue Summit, the Dental-Health Connection Summit, and Chronic Condition Research, a 501(c) 3 non-profit to further research under-funded medical conditions. After a lifetime of struggling with health issues, Shivan made it her mission to demystify her own health struggles - and to share that information with others who were struggling. Her special skill is finding and connecting with the leading expert doctors and connecting those experts with the people who need their help. Her personal mantra is SOS: Save Our Selves, and that's what she has helped thousands of people do! 


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